All About Giving


2024 Annual Stewardship Appeal

Make a Joyful Noise!

Our church is good at making joyful noises!
Playing musical instruments, singing in choirs, participating in family events, Sunday services, work days, and many more activities show how we give to each other and praise God.

If you'd like to pledge for 2024, please complete the online pledge form.

Donating to St. Paul

You can get your donations to us in many ways:

All online donations and the app are managed by the same company that we have been using for many years. If you need any help with setting up your online donation or using the app, please don't hesitate to contact the office.

Read these helpful instructions on using our online giving portal.

Watch this videos all about the mobile app


Forward Together Campaign

We have already accomplished much! Your prayers, financial gifts and vision have resulted in a renovated building with many upgrades that are helping us welcome and serve our community.

Forward Together is the next step in this journey! It is about using our new spaces as imagined and providing the financial resources to do so. Much has already been shared and there is more encouragement and excitement to come.

To pledge to the Forward Together Campaign, which is a three-year pledge, please use our online form or fill out a card in the foyer and return it to the office.

To donate to the campaign, please visit our giving page. Thank you for your generosity!