Prayer Ministries


Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a group which prays privately for others in time of need, loss, illness, praise, and thanksgiving. Prayer requests are distributed through email as soon as possible after they are received. If you are interested in joining this growing network of prayer partners, please email . To submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please complete this form.

Prayers and Squares: A Prayer Quilt Ministry

Handmade quilts are crafted by the Prayers and Squares Team to support people facing serious health concerns or life transitions. Each quilt is blessed before it is given to a recipient. Contact the church office to learn more about this ministry or to inquire about receiving a quilt for you or a loved one.

Prayer Vigils

St. Paul Prayer Vigils provide an opportunity for quiet contemplation and continuous prayer before Easter (March/April) and close to All Saints Day (October/November).