Serving Abroad

Global Mission

Missionary Sponsorship and St. Paul Church

St. Paul Lutheran Church is proud to support the work of Dr. Steven Friberg, his wife Bethany and their children, Nyika, Zaka, and Shalai. Steven, a pediatrician, and Bethany Friberg have been serving in Tanzania since 1993. In 1999, they began developing medical dispensaries in the rural area outside of Arusha. There are now a dozen clinics serving the Maasai people. Bethany provides hospitality for frequent visitors and volunteers, and works with Maasai women in income-generating projects, mostly involving beadwork.

St. Paul Church's support of the Fribergs extends beyond our commitment to assist with salary, pension, education and living expenses. Our developing relationship enables us to assist with programs and needs brought to us by the Fribergs. We have collected vitamins to be distributed in Maasai dispensaries, and have raised funds for medical training for Maasai interested in becoming doctors, nurses and medical assistants, and have raised money for water storage tanks. In 2008, 2011, and 2013 groups from St. Paul traveled to Tanzania to work alongside the Fribergs. We enjoy periodic visits from the Fribergs, and know that our relationship will continue to grow.

A message from the Fribergs

“God's presence and energy fill the universe. His laugh, footsteps, shadow, touch, fingerprints and whispers are constantly around us. Moment by moment his energy allows an infant's heart to beat. If he removed his presence for an instant our cosmos would disappear. “For centuries Maasai have approached the active volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai (Mountain of God, 2878 m, 9437 ft) to pray, sing, chant, and offer all-black sheep or goats to God. Most often they asked for rain and closely associated God's presence with rain. Young women went to ask for the gift of children, elders asked for help with livestock. Now about half the Maasai communities in our area are Christian and know God has approached us all with the gift of his son Jesus. The Bible in Maasai has brought a new, deeper, and indigenous understanding of God.”

A video about the Fribergs