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Raising the Roof

Posted by Deacon Christine Yucha on

Finally!!! After months of delay the new roof trusses for the North Wing have arrived. These trusses will help support the existing load of the roof and increased load from new mechanical equipment, as we've discovered that our existing trusses aren't up to the task. The current trusses will remain in place and the new trusses are being installed in the gaps between. Double the trusses, double the fun! In order to install the new trusses, the construction crew has to literally raise the roof to get them in the right location, as our current trusses have sagged so much. Think about what it takes to repair a flat tire on your car... and now increase that by about a million! Construction workers have constructed a temporary lift and jack system to shore up the roof that extends all the way down to the lower level. Now that the trusses are onsite the work should go fairly quickly, though we need to "redo" some work that was already completed, such as rerouting and reinstalling HVAC ductwork.

Enormous thanks to everyone who attended our Work Party on April 30. We got done almost everything that was on our list! Lots more to do to settle into our new spaces, but it feels great to have most of the heavy lifting (for this round) behind us. Thanks, all!



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