New Year, New Look!
What a gift to celebrate Christmas in our newly refurbished sanctuary! We're not quite done yet, but we're getting closer everyday. And if you're curious- yes, our new sanctuary chairs are sturdy AND comfortable, according to initial feedback. Hope you can try them out for yourself soon! Much of the work left in the sanctuary is "behind the scenes" kinds of things: baseboard, cables for the sound system, and fire alarms, all of which are going up and in this week. Elsewhere in the building, things have unfortunately ground to a halt on the upper level of the North Wing, until a solution can be resolved about existing truss damage. Downstairs, new plumbing is in place for restrooms, and the east entry is getting new flooring. New office furniture was delivered, and we'll begin the migration down to the office area in the next few days. What a great way to begin 2022!