Can you hear me now?
Say hello to our new Sound Booth! For many years this room up in the Loft has served as a storage place for banners and other items, but it's been repurposed to serve as our primary area for managing the audio and visual components of worship. Connected to the main sound cabinet in the Sacristy, microphones and video cameras can be controlled at the touch of a button, enabling us to record and livestream worship and other events. Fine-tuning and testing the system will continue over the next few weeks. Downstairs, bathrooms are rapidly taking shape, with plumbing fixtures, countertops, and toilet partitions installed.
And a solution has finally been found for the failing trusses in the North Wing. New trusses will be installed in-between the existing trusses to help carry the load, eliminating the need for columns or other solutions that would change the fundamental purpose of this area to be a flexible, open place to gather. And even better, this solution priced out much lower than anticipated, which is an additional reason to rejoice. For now, temporary supports are keeping the trusses steady as HVAC equipment and ductwork is installed.