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A Christmas Miracle: An Elevator!

Posted by Deacon Christine Yucha on

Santa hasn't slid down the chimney yet, but the State Fire Marshall coming on Dec. 23 is pretty darn close! The elevator has passed all initial inspections, so we anticipate passing this final approval as well. This means the elevator will be ready for limited use (upper floor only) on Christmas Eve. Wahoo! We've also received our first round of reupholstered pew cushions, and about 80 new chairs for the sanctuary. These chairs will provide our existing sanctuary with a lot more flexibility and the ability to move things around as needed for worship or other special events. Plumbing is roughed in for restrooms on the lower level and work continues in the North Wing. All in all, we're feeling great about how the sanctuary looks for Christmas and can't wait until everything is all the way done in the new year! 




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